Cellenion and ECOBIO laboratory joint for the creation of MICROSCALE-Lab

Cellenion and ECOBIO laboratory (UMR CNRS-University of Rennes) have received a Labcom-2020 €360k grant by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for the creation of the joint MICROSCALE-Lab (MICRObial Single Cell AnaLysEs Laboratory). The overall objective of this 5-year project is to offer a complete solution for the isolation, library preparation and bioinformatic analysis of single microbial cells, creating a conceptual and technological breakthrough for the study of microbial communities.

MICROSCALE-lab will benefit from the partnership between the ECOBIO laboratory, an expert in microbial ecology and environmental genomics, and Cellenion, specialists in single cell isolation solutions and molecular biology, making use of their respective infrastructures, skills and expertise. Based on the strength of this partnership between ECOBIO and Cellenion, MICROSCALE-Lab will target the growing industrial single cell market in various fields such as health, environment, bioproduction, agrifood and cosmetics, with extensive possibilities to generate new data on microbiota and their functions.


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