Our expertise dedicated to your experiments

Single Cell Isolation

By combining the expertise of our talented team with our versatile cellenONE® platforms, we offer a range of ultra-gentle single cell isolation services with up to 100% single cell accuracy.

Any cell, any sample

Our unique technology allows us to process any cells (mammalian, plant, spore, bacteria) from 0.5 to 80 µm diameter from any sample size (from as little as 1µL). When most single cell isolation technologies require 1000’s of cells, cellenONE can process even the smallest samples with fewer than 100 cells with no cell loss (ideal for rare cells and microbiopsies).

Prior to isolation, every sample is visually inspected, and its preparation can thus be further tailored if required. More importantly, each and every isolated cell is imaged, and its picture recorded, allowing you to gain unparalleled confidence in your results.

Cells can be isolated based on morphological features, fluorescence, or a combination of the two with up to four fluorescence markers which allow removal of dead cells or selection of specific sub-populations.
Isolate cells into any substrate such as cellenCHIP, microtiter plate (96, 384, 1536wp), microchips, or onto any surface such as microscope slides or other customized formats that can be specifically set up by our team of experts to suit your needs and applications.

Single Spheroid Isolation

Using our spheroONE technology, we offer a range of services to facilitate cellular aggregates preparation and improve outcomes of your 3D cell assays.
Cellular aggregates sorting and isolation
Automated sorting and isolation of cellular aggregates such as spheroids, organoids and embryos of sizes up to 600 µm into the substrate of your choice (96, 384, 1536wp). Our gentle dispensing technology maintains the integrity and viability of fragile cellular aggregates.
spheroONE enables size and morphology sorting together with isolation of user-defined number of spheroids per well, allowing controlled biomass for meaningful and high quality cytological assays (high Z’ score).

Cell Line Development

We offer a range of automated cloning solutions to suit even the most challenging cell line development projects.

High Accuracy And Confidence

Our highly accurate single cell isolation technology ensures that every well will contain one and only one single cell. Each and every isolated cell is imaged, and its picture recorded, allowing you to gain unparalleled confidence in monoclonality, enhancing your results and supporting your application to the relevant regulatory authorities.

Highest Clonal Outgrowth

Our ultra-gentle single cell isolation technology has been proven to achieve the highest clonal outgrowth in the industry.

Example Of Applications

Single cell cloning has become a critical step for many applications ranging from monoclonal antibody development, gene editing studies (e.g. CRISPR), stem cell projects (e.g. iPS).

What You Can Expect From Us

Over our young history, we have gained great expertise in processing difficult samples. As scientists we love those challenges: if such samples are important to your pre-clinical studies or R&D activities, don’t hesitate to contact us

Technical Expertise

From experimental design to data analysis, our multidisciplinary team will work closely with you at every step in order to ensure that the service provided will match your expectations.

Tailored Solutions

By combining our latest technologies (cellenONE® and spheroONE®) with the expertise of our scientific team, we offer you a range of tailored solutions.

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