
Scale up your single cell proteomics to thousands of cells with nPOP

Single-cell analysis of complex samples such as dissociated primary tissues requires the analysis of thousands of single cells. Multiplexed single cell proteomic analysis allows users to generate these data sets at scale while drastically reducling the required LC/MS time, the primary cost associated with proteomic analysis.

In close collaboration with Nikolai Slavov and Andrew Leduc at Northeastern university, we have developed nPOP, a flexible platform for nanoliter volume multiplexed single cell proteomics sample preparation. Some of the demonstrated benefits of nPOP include:

  • Preparation of up to 4000 cells in a single experiment
  • Labeling with up to 32 mass tags
  • No reagents require more than 20 nL/cell
  • Prepared samples are automatically transferred to autosampler compatible 384 well-plate
  • Basic analysis of MS data by QuantQC

If you are interested in bringing nPOP into your lab and knowing more about cellenONE, please provide us with the information below and we will be get back to you soon.

For more information, please send a request to [email protected] 

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