Spheroid And Organoid Sorting & Isolation

with spheroONE

Challenges of spheroid and organoid isolation

Complex In-Vitro 3D models have gained significant interest in many research areas such as regenerative medicine, drug discovery, toxicity testing and cancer research. Due to their inherent clinical relevance, such 3D models like spheroids and organoids are becoming increasingly important but solutions to manipulate and isolate them aren’t widely available yet. To yield reproducible assays, the ability to pre-select spheroids based on their size, morphology and internal organization is critical. Cellenion has developed spheroONE, an innovative platform to automate sorting and dispensing of large particles.


Drug discovery

Accelerate and standardize drug screening. Greatly improve your assays quality.

Complex 3D models and stem cells

Enhance your organoid differentiation yield. Make complex 3D models handling easy.

  • Compartmentalization (isolate single organoids/tumoroids) based on user-defined parameters (size, morphology)
  • Pre-sorting of the most promising spheroids for organoid differentiation
    • Only aggregates with the potential of forming high quality organoids are selected, leading to enhanced yield
  • Sorting of differentiated organoids
    • Sorting organoids after differentiation in order to keep only those of interest
    • Starting material: adult stem cells, PSCs or iPSCs
  • Temperature control of target plate enables dispensing of organoids directly into Matrigel® or other ECM (e.g. HyStem)
  • Work with small sized initial samples (i.e. patient-derived biopsy)
  • Possibility to deposit organoids/tumoroids on lab-on-a-chip devices

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spheroONE is a revolutionary technology with advanced visual processing solutions that provides real-time and high accuracy single large particles isolation and dispensing.

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