[centered_container max_width=”590″][wc_headings header=”proteoCHIP 12*16″ size=”h1.large” color=”white” textalign=”center”][wc_button m_right=”auto” m_left=”auto” url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cellenion.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F10%2FproteoCHIP-Brochure.pdf|title:Download%20Brochure||”][/centered_container]
[centered_container hex=”#666666″][wc_headings header=”The proteoCHIP 12*16 is an innovative solution enabling multiplexed single cell mass spectrometry-based proteomics analysis. It enables all the front-end of the mass spectrometry on cellenONE, including incubation steps.” size=”h2″ textalign=”center”][/centered_container]
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The proteoCHIP 12*16 has a microscope slide footprint, allowing novel miniaturized single cell proteomics applications in nanoliter-scale volumes.

Each proteoCHIP contains 12 arrays (pools) of 16 wells each, enabling peptide labelling with TMTpro (either 11-plex or 16-plex). The cellenONE can handle up to 3 chips per run.

After labelling, the cells can be easily pooled with the proteoCHIP Funnel. A dedicated Accessory Kit provides all the adapters to facilitate the use of proteoCHIP and Funnels with cellenONE, centrifuge, and LC-MS/MS autosampler.

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Benefits of proteoCHIP 12*16

  • Standardization: automated dispensing instead of manual pipetting enables more reproducibility
  • Miniaturization: nanoliter reaction volumes save reagents costs and increase sensitivity
  • Throughput: prepare up to 576 single cells per run on cellenONE
  • Process safety: unique design and material prevents cross-contamination, while prefilling with oil overcomes evaporation
  • Recovery: direct injection via autosampler leads to maximum liquid recovery and very little peptide loss
  • Data quality: detect and quantify up to 2000 proteins per single cell, with outstanding signal-to-noise ratio (even with low or no carrier)